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on the danger list 信息详情on the danger list





be on the danger list───在危险名单上

on the baker's list───在面包师的名单上

on the sick list───害着病,在病休中,不健康的

danger list───病危病人名单

on the alert───提防;警戒著;随时准备著

on the panel───在小组中;受审中;在面板上

on the parish───教区


Five patients on the danger list were slightly better, said the hospital.───据该医院说,有5个重病号已略有好转.

Paul had a heart attack and is still on the danger list.───保罗心脏病发作,现在仍然病势危急.

She was on the danger list, but is much better now.───她曾一度病危,现在好多了。

These laws forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list.───这些法律禁止杀害任何动物或植物在危险名单上。

Hundreds more are on the danger list today.───现在另外上百种动物也上了濒危动物名单.

King Penguins are among the species on the danger list, as rising water temperatures reduce the Numbers of small fish and squid in their feeding zones.───帝企鹅也在濒危物种名单之列,因为海水温度上升,减少了它们觅食区小鱼和鱿鱼的数量。


She was on the danger list, but is much better now.
