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code name 信息详情code name






code named───代号;编号(codename的过去式和过去分词)

code names───代号(codename的名词复数)

coded name───代号,编号

codes name───代号,编号




It carried the internal model identification Lotus 116 and the code name Lotus Skipton.───它的内部模型进行识别和莲花116的代号莲花斯基普顿.

One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny.───他们的一名线人的化名为车尔尼。

At the time, the drug was known by an even more enigmatic code name ? R 207910.───当时这个药还被灌以一个更难以理解的数字名-R207910.

Why does a golf project require a code name?───为什么一个高尔夫球场要代号 呢 ?

The code name for the project was DP K 9 , named after a Doctor Who character.───该项目代号为民主党K9方案,在一位医生的字符命名.

The program was relaunched in 1992 under the code name Project 921.───这个计划于1992年以921工程的代号重新启动.

We don't know, who he is . The code name is ELIMINATOR.───我们不知道他的名字, 他的代号叫“清除者”.

Code Name Flint. I made lots of weapons for them.───火石.自制了很多武器给他们装备. (下)

Locals refer to this area by its code name: Project 791.───当地人用代号称呼这片区域: 791项目.

At the time, the drug was known by an een more enigmatic code name – R 207910.───当时这个药还被灌以一个更难以理解的数字名-R207910.

One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny.───他们的一名线人用车尔尼作化名。

For security purposes this new monster was assigned the code name Mouse.───为了迷惑间谍,给这一新的庞然大物起一个代号为“鼠”.

The irony of his code name occurred to him.───他想起了他的代码的讽刺意义.

We don't even know his code name. So where do we start?───我们甚至连他的代号都不清楚. 在这种情况下,我们从何入手 呢 ?

His secret service code name is Al Gore.───他的私人服务姓名代码仍是阿尔·戈尔.

The operation was given the code name Dynamo.───这次行动的代号为“发电机”。

To easily identify which projects those configurations apply to, the configuration name is prefixed with the first two letters of the project code name.───新发射的代号是凤凰号,当你想到从灰烬中升起的象征意义的鸟时,你会觉得这个代号有点有趣。


One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny.
