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no check 信息详情no check




to check───核对;托运;牵制

in check───受控制的;受抑制的

to cheek───面颊

bank check───银行支票;本票

body check───身体阻挡;用身体贴人或挤人

coat check───衣帽间,有侍者的衣帽间

do a check───检查一下


Though the TRANSCONTINENTAL had published "The Ring of Bells, " no check was forthcoming.───虽然发表了他的《钟声激越》,却老不寄支票来。

However, it did not report the matter the police will have no check.───但由于对方没有报案,此事警方无从查证。

Should no check be performed, you may leave the field blank.───如果不想执行这个检查,那么你可以把这个域放空白。

Notice that, in the case of remote host resource, no check is performed to see that Connect permissions exist.───注意,在远端主机资源的情况下,不会执行检查来查看连接使用权限是否存在。

Please message me with a link to your portfolio, no check my pm! i care about your creativity and skill set.───请您留言,以自己的投资组合链接我,没有检查我的下午!我关心你的创造力和技能。

The results were good, if he had changed something, it would have not meant that it would be different, there is no check.───结果还不错,如果他改变了什么的话,也不一定意味着一定会有什么不同,没有绝对的事情。

Jennings finally know the complexity of the matter, there is no check after the hidden hidden secret.───简宁斯终于知道了事情的复杂性,没有兑现的支票之后隐藏着不可告人的秘密。

Similarly, it is not possible to tell if an address field is timely if there is no check against an Address Modification Date field.───类似地,如果没有检查一个AddressModificationDate字段,那么就不能说一个地址字段是否是及时的。


There is no check for well-formedness, and there is the possibility that element tag names or other non-text portions of XML documents will be changed into hexadecimal character references.

When Mozart played a piano by Stein in 1777, it did not jangle, even though there was no check.

There's no check on crossing that border.

And the waiter writes no check.

Similarly, it is not possible to tell if an address field is timely if there is no check against an Address Modification Date field.
