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go on for 信息详情go on for





go in for───参加,从事;追求;赞成

get on for───v.接近,靠近

go out for───努力争取;(运动员、运动队)尽力参加选拔赛

good for───有效的;会产生;有支付…能力的

goes in for───参加,从事;追求;赞成

gone in for───参加,从事;追求;赞成

sign on for───登录


The concerts go on for days, and all the best bands play.───音乐会持续数日, 所有最好的乐队都参加演出.

Traditional games can go on for three to five days!───传统球赛可以打上三到五天!

So it is easy to go on for days without doing much work.───所以,几天不做工作很容易的.

The dance of soul go on for ever.───灵魂之舞就永无休止.

Tom: How long usually does a match go on for?───汤姆: 一场比赛通常会打多久?

It was great fun but we knew it wouldn't go on for ever.───这很开心,但是我们知道不会永远这样。

How much longer will this hot weather go on for?───这样炎热的天气还会持续多久?

Go on for about 100 meters. It's on your left side.───直走约100米. 它在你的左侧.

This answer so confused poor Alice, that she let the Dormouse go on for some time without interrupting it.───这个回答把可怜的爱丽丝弄糊涂了,她让睡鼠继续说了一会儿,没有打断它。

Go on for about 100 meters. It's on your left side. You can't miss it.───往前走约100米, 在你左手边, 你不会错过的.

Go on for about 100 meters.───直走约100米.

The field seemed to go on for miles and miles.───竞技场看上去很宽阔.

It'seemed to go on for miles.───看上去有数英里长.

If we can set him off on his pet subject, he will go on for hours.───如果我们能使他谈谈他最得意的话题, 他会滔滔不绝地谈几个小时.

I felt as if I should like to go on for ever through that balmy freshness.───我感觉到,仿佛我愿意永远在那种清新爽快的气息中过日子似的.

In private, most bankers say it cannot go on for much longer.───在私底下, 大部分的银行家表示,兼并热不可能持续太长.

can go on for two years or more.───可能会持续两年或更长时间。

How long usually does a match go on for?───一场比赛通常会找多久?


Probate cases can go on for two years or more.

I don't know how these people go on for food when they are cut off by snow for days on end.

How did you go on for money while you were out of work?

I hope his speech doesn't go on for long.

Once it began it would go on for days, and then as inexplicably vanish.

It seemed to go on for a long time, but I doubt it was more than a minute or two.

It is important not to go on for too long, or to leave difficult business unfinished.

How much longer will this hot weather go on for?

Even during war, life must go on for civilians.
