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you get down 信息详情you get down




to get down───趴下

fought down───v.克服;努力抑制

to let down───放长

to set down───放下

brought down───接前,移入下页

bucket down───铲斗放下

count down───倒读数,倒计时


Low-Priority Heartbeat - Heartbeat over public network does minimum traffic over the network until you get down to one normal heartbeat remaining.───级心跳 -通过公共网络的心跳将会以最小的流量通过网络,直到你着手进行余下那个正常的心跳的设置。

This discussion is a great example of what happens when you get down to the implementation details too soon.───这次讨论是当过快要着手实现细节时会出现的情况的一个很好的例子。

While that isn't always a good idea, when you get down to it all, invention and, indeed, most innovation come from using something in a way you hadn't necessarily thought to use it before.───虽然这种想法并不总是正确,但当您认真考虑它时,将发现大多数创新和发明确实来自于通过以前从未考虑过的方法使用工具。

You get down to brass tacks when you say, " it sounds good, but how much does it cost? "───你探究到底的时候会说,“听起来不错,但它到底值多少钱?”

Try to be cheerful and funny in life, but when you get down to work, try to be as serious as you can.───试着对生活感到高兴和有趣,但当工作时,应当做到尽量严谨。

You know on your own terms and you get down on one knee and the whole production.───他说得对,妈。我希望你按你自己的方式来。

"But when you get down to brass tacks, " I interrupted, "the comparison is still a less-than comparison letter by letter. "───“但是本质上,”我打断了Guru,“比较函数还是从字面上的‘小于‘比较。”

LEO : Your mate, however, may not be too pleased with you . Get down to business.───狮子座:你的伴侣可能不会太让你满意。认真考虑工作的事情…

But when you get down to the bottom of the ocean, that's where things get really strange.───但是当你下潜到海底的时候,那里才是事情变得真的奇怪的地方。


Now, you get down from the chair and lie on your back on the bench.

When you get down to it, in the bush, 1 man can carry 3 or 4 rifles.

Many conflicts in meetings disappear rapidly once you get down to detail and factual cases.
