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high heat───[热]高热量

right heart───右心

high gear───高速档

high gears───高速档

high hat───男人的高顶硬礼帽;放置电影摄影机的低架

high bar───高杠,高杆;单杠

high bars───高杠,高杆;单杠


heart pounding, sweating, flushed, and nearly passed out.───心脏剧烈跳动,出汗,脸红,几乎晕厥过去。

Keep your interval sessions to around 15-30 minutes of hard high heart rate effort total.───在您的间歇训练中,保持高心率训练总时间在15 - 30分钟。

I can only wrapped layers of clothes, just as I build a high heart wall.───我只能裹上一层层衣服,就如同我筑起高高的心墙。

But the smiles continued to experience stress symptoms like a high heart rate long after the call had finished.───但微笑者继续经历压力症状,像是在电话结束后很久,心跳还是很快。

Listen as your High Heart tells your Third Eye "It is fine now. This ONE is ready to experience New Earth" .───聆听你们的高心对你们三眼轮的诉说“它很好,这个一已经准备好体验新地球了”。

Now, touch your High Heart to see how your High Heart and hands amplify their Light. . .───现在,与你们的高我接触、看着你们的高我以及手上散发的光芒。

Can actually in dream neutral you in the same place, tow your hand also to feel the high heart on a little me.───其实能在梦中和你在一起,拖住你的手就这么一点我也会感觉到高心…。

to see her is to realize their goals, you are a high heart.───看到她正在实现自己的目标而努力,你很高心。

