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the night watch 信息详情the night watch




night watch───守夜,值夜;值夜的人;守夜的班次

night latch───n.弹簧锁;夜锁

the night sky───夜空

the right track───正道

the right reason───正确的理由

night watches───守夜,值夜;值夜的人;守夜的班次

the Black Watch───黑色手表


The historical focal point of the museum is Rembrandt's large and fascinating canvas, The Night Watch.───而博物馆中最负盛名的无疑是伦勃朗的巨幅油画作品《夜巡》.

The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m.───值夜班的人在下午6点接替值日班的人.

This is called The Night Watch.───这幅画叫做《夜巡》。

The night watch comes on duty soon.───值夜班的人很快就要来值班了.

It is called "The Night Watch", although it was painted at noon.───它被称为“夜巡”,虽然它画在中午。

The night watch sounded the fire alarm.───守夜人弄响了火灾警报器。


The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m.

We were arrested and held until the arrival of the night watch .

The night watch comes on duty soon.

It was the third hour of the night watch.

Our hand torches for the night watch began to break down.

For the rest of the time it was a question of patience under uncomfortable conditions, particularly on the night watch.

Whilst others were only allowed to keep the night watch once each week, Nicholas undertook it three times.

Vance, you're detailed to the night watch.

Enter the eastern catacomb and kill zombies until you complete "Ghoulish Effigy ", "The Totem of Infliction" and "The Night Watch".
