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second avenue 信息详情second avenue




second lien───二等留置权;第二留置权

second line───第二线;副牌

second men───n.火车司机的助手

second bananas───在戏里担任次要滑稽角色的演员

second baseman───n.棒球中的二垒手

second basemen───n.棒球中的二垒手

second to none───首屈一指

Second Advent───n.基督复临

iconic venue───标志性场馆


a subway line under Second Avenue stupendously goes all the way backto 1919.───第二大道地下修建一条地铁线路。 第一次世界大战结束后,纽约公共服务委员会开始寻找一种途径,缓解曼哈顿不断拥堵的交通状况。

The area to be painted in New York forms a continuous strip from East Fourth and East Third streets between Second Avenue and the Bowery.───粉刷的区域,是第二林荫道和巴厘街之间,东四街延伸到东三街的带状地带。

Walk along Second Avenue and you can see it on the right.───沿着第二大街走,你会在右边看到它。

The area to be painted in New York forms a continuous strip from East Fourth and East Third streets between Second Avenue and the Bowery.───计划进行粉刷的区域,是第二林荫道和巴厘街之间,东四街延伸到东三街的带状地带。

Gaps between the depressed procurement price and the market-clearing price, however, create a second avenue: black marketeering.───但是,降低的收购价格和市场结算价格之间的差异,导致了另一条路径:操纵黑市价格。

Transit officials and politicians broke ground on the Second Avenue line in East Harlem with great fanfare last week.───上周,交通部门的官员和从政者们在哈莱姆东部大张旗鼓地破土动工,开始兴建第二大道地铁线路。

Second Avenue is a good place to have fun.───第二大街是个好玩的地方。

The Second Avenue subway line will run from 125th Street to the Financial District in Lower Manhattan.───第二大街地铁线路将连通第125大街和曼哈顿下城的金融区。

It is hoped the first phase alone of the Second Avenue subway will decrease congestion by carrying some 200, 000 commuters every week.───人们希望单是第一阶段建成的地铁每周就能运送20万名乘客,从而缓解拥挤的现状。


Theneed for a subway line under Second Avenue stupendously goes all the way backto 1919.

Gaps between the depressed procurement price and the market-clearing price, however, create a second avenue: black marketeering.

A subway construction worker, known as a "sandhog" exits the tunnel boring machine in the northbound tunnel of the Second Avenue subway construction project, Thursday, April 7, 2011 in New York.
