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piece by piece 信息详情piece by piece




fippenny piece───五件套

pick to pieces───切成碎片;严厉批评

piece of piss───小便

pitching piece───俯仰块

fippenny pieces───五件套

piece of advice───一条忠告

pitching pieces───投手

bilge piece───舭龙骨;消摇龙骨

chimney piece───壁炉架


The steel mill was dismantled piece by piece.───钢厂已经一块块拆散了。

Let's do it piece by piece.───让我们一点一点地做.

The bridge was taken down piece by piece.───桥梁被一部分一部分地拆毁。

Now let's go up again and go over it piece by piece.───现在咱们再上楼一件一件地查一遍。

It was a long job, as it had to be taken away piece by piece.───这个工作很不简单, 得把整个装置一件一件拆开.

Piece by piece, he repaired the last remaining openings in the skull.───他就这样一块一块地把颅骨最后的裂口缝合好了.

But in a few days, piece by piece, it was completely covered over.───这样过了几天, 一根根地, “南瓜头”的尸体就全被盖住了.

The chandelier falls and its pieces strew the floor; pick them up again piece by piece.───这时一盏枝形吊灯掉在地上,又是一地碎片, 于是又得一点一点地拾起来.

Tomorrow, we'll start breaking picture down piece by piece , starting with the living expenses.───明天, 我们将从生活开销开始,分开来详细介绍.

With them, you strip off the girls , piece by piece.───从推动操控杆并让女郎身上的标记旋转.

ASYNCHRONOUS : Term used to describe the exchange of information piece by piece rather than in long segments.───异步: 描述一条一条的而不是长段落的信息交换的术语.

The bridge was moved piece by piece to a new site.───把那桥一段一段地运到了新址.

Review them piece by piece.───一件件地检讨它们.

Aerial sliding methed can be divided into single sliding methed and piece by piece sliding methed.───高空滑移施工法可分为单条滑移法和逐条累积滑移法,其适用性都比较突出.


The bridge was moved piece by piece to a new site.

I can only go piece by piece.

He unscrewed the catapult piece by piece feeling depressed.

The bridge was taken down piece by piece.

The fireplace was carefully dismantled piece by piece .

Then, the dugouts began to disappear, piece by piece.

The steel mill was dismantled piece by piece.

We'll need to take the engine apart, piece by piece.

A composite of the crook is built piece by piece.
