manned space station 信息详情manned space station




manned space flight───载人太空飞行

manned space flights───载人太空飞行

space station───空间站,太空站

space stations───空间站,太空站


axile placentation───[植]中轴胎座式

base station───[测]基站;基电台

managed competition───管理竞争



The docking technologies are believed to be crucial for China's ambition to build a permanent manned space station around 2020.───对接技术对我国在2020年左右建立永久载人空间站计划至关重要。

China aims to set up a simple space lab in 2011 and a manned space station in 2020.───中国计划在2011年建立起一个简单的空间实验室,并在2020年开始建造载人空间站。

The third step is to develop a space station according to demand and solve the problem relating to the application of a manned space station.───第三步,根据需要,建造空间站,解决较大规模的、长期有人照料的应用问题。

"The primary purpose of China's manned space station is to peacefully explore space, and through it, serve mankind, " he said.───他说:“中国载人航天站的主要目的是为了和平探索宇宙,同时通过它,服务人类。”

A vacuum is needed for the creation of these special metals, thereby justifying the mandate for a large, permanently manned space station.───真空是创造这些特殊的金属所需要的,这也证明他们为什么会发布建设一个大的、永久的载人轨道空间站的指令。

Chinese leaders have been working toward a manned space station since at least 1992 in what is known as Project 921.───至少自1992年以来,中国领导人一直朝着载人空间站努力,即所谓的“921工程”。

They announced last week that by 2020, China should have its own manned space station.───他们上周宣布,到2020年,中国应该拥有自己的载人航天站。

