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a many 信息详情a many




as many───一样多


so many───那么多的


ad man───n.广告商;广告撰写员

the many───多数人;群众

as many as───多达;和…一样多


bad man───歹徒


We created a horizontal row of tabs in this example, but Sliding Doors could be used in a many other situations.───我们在此例中创造的仅仅是水平的标签栏,但滑动门亦可应用于许多其他的情形。

Love is indeed a many-splendored thing, but sometimes we all need to tie ourselves to the mast.───爱情很多时候确实是很美好的,但是我们有时候恐怕真需要把自己绑在桅杆上。

This document contains a many repeated elements with some nesting and heavy use of attributes.───这个文档包含许多重复的元素和一些嵌套的情况,并大量使用了属性。

Elizabeth had the feeling that he was a many - layered man , that the emotions he showed were to conceal the emotions he felt .───伊丽莎白觉得他是个有许多层次的人,他流露出来的感情总隐藏了他的真实感情。

This occurs a little at a time over a many year period causing a lightening up of the density of the form.───这会跨越多年时期一次发生一点,导致身体致密的减轻。

The parenchymal lobules were organized with a many pinealocytes and a few glial cells.───实质小叶由大量松果体细胞和少数胶质细胞组成。

There are a many possible causes for waking up in the middle of the night and being unable to fall back to sleep.───有很多可能的因素,导致午夜惊醒,随后不能再次入睡。

Hercules would assume the burden for a bit if Atlas would fetch the apples, which were guarded by a many-headed monster.───海格力斯要求阿特拉斯替他去取由多头巨龙看守的金苹果,在这段时间里则由自己替他背负青天。

The sky still as blue, just a many bleak.───天空依旧那么蓝,只不过是多了些黯淡。


Capital A great A many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script .

A Many marine fishkeepers are worried about unduly high levels of nitrates in their tanks and tapwater, and quite rightly so.

A: Many thanks, Thomas.

I am stubborn no results, is a many years think constantly of.

The Group is supplying to a many Global 1000 companies in the Automotive, Health Care, Medical, Industrial, Office Appliance, Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance sectors.

A many month after crural sprain is hurt still is oedema, how to do?

The cold cut like a many - bladed knife.

A Many studies show that vitamin C supports natural immunity during common infections such as the common cold, where it has been shown to help manage symptoms and shorten the duration of infection.

A. Many airlines offer off-season discounts.
