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in my home 信息详情in my home




in a hole───处于困境

in my book───在我的书里;依我的观点

in the hole───负债,亏空;遇到经济困难

come home───回家

hurry home───回家(歌名,HurryHome);赶快回家

in my view───在我看来;我认为

near home───离家近,在家附近

new home───新家园;新房;新居;新家

romp home───v.轻易取胜


Many new factories have sprung up in my home town.───我的家乡建了许多工厂。

I pour myself some cereal and gulp it down in my home office while waiting for the computer to boot up.───在家中的办公室里等侯电脑启动时,我给自己灌下一些谷类食物,狼吞虎咽地吃下去。

As a musician I owe much to the radio station in my home town.───作为一名音乐家,我非常感激我家乡的广播电台。

Despite all that, I was doing relatively well financially, and I even became accredited by the Chamber of Commerce in my home state.───尽管如此,通过做翻译我去的了可观的收入,甚至得到了我所在州的商业部的认可。

then spent a day out with my best friends, then staying in grandmother's house for one day, and i spent others days in my home.───然后,我又和我的好朋友出去玩耍了一天,又到外婆家去过了一天,其余的日子我都是在家里过的!

Two days ago, such things have occurred in my home village next door, a few farmers and the children did not pay.───就在前两天,这样的事就在我家隔壁村里发生了,一家农民生了几个小孩没交钱。

I was upstairs in my home, a pot of Jasmine, in its open season every morning I have to go upstairs to see if it had not opened .───以前我在我家楼上种了一盆茉莉花,在它开放的季节每天早晨我都要上楼去看看它开了没有,开了几朵,凋谢了几朵。

My company is an extension of me, so when I designed my stores I wanted people to feel that they were in my home.───我的公司是我本人的延伸,因此当我设计自己的店面时,我希望人们感觉像进入我的家一样。

We've all seen this pattern before; and I've lived it as part of the Microsoft (MSFT) world here in my home of Seattle for the last decade.───谷歌的这种模式并不新鲜,过去10年中,我在家乡西雅图,还曾在微软(Microsoft)王国中亲身体验过。


I will not have that man in my home, no sir!

I try to keep fresh herbs growing in my home all winter long.

One such case was reported in my home county of Sussex.

I told him he wasn't welcome in my home.

I think everyday is a women’s day in my home.. there are two big women, my wife and my daughter, they have done a good job in their life, so when I look at them, it is women’s day for me. Jeetendra 

Rich people are also known in my home town.

He feels at home in my home.

It enabled me to stay in my home of 30 years rather than move to a property with cheaper rates.

You are always welcome in my home.
