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D up───v.打开;abbr.两倍的,双重的(duplex);复制的(duplicate);abbr.(DUP)民主统一党(主张北爱尔兰归属联合王国的北爱尔兰政党)(theDemocraticUnionistParty);n.(Dup)(白)杜鄱(人名)




Passerini said that getting P&G employees to buy into the digital revolution hasn't been a problem.───帕萨利尼表示,让宝洁员工参与数字革命并不是一个问题。

P&G has been testing a cream that counters the effects of ageing from sun exposure.───测试一种抗日晒引起的老化的护肤霜。

P&G applied for a patent on its cookies.───宝洁公司为其饼干申请了专利。

Indian yoga instructor G. P Vijayakumar snorted eight fish up through his mouth and out of his nostrils in a minute.───印度的瑜伽教练G.PVijayakumar在一分钟内从嘴里吸入了8条小鱼,然后从鼻子里将小鱼喷出。

Modern people don't want to be dropped naked into a swamp. We want to tour Yosemite with our water bottles and G. P. S. devices.───现代的人类不想光着身子被扔进一片沼泽地,我们希望带着我们的水壶和GPS设备游历Yosemite国家公园。

It's only my opinion G. P. , but if your trying to find your 3 microns.───它只是我个人的意见G.P。,如果你想尝试达到3个微米。

But the important thing is we have a safe meeting place as teens to express our P. G. P. 's and show our true selves to one another.───但重要的是,我们作为青少年有一个安全集会的地方来表达我们的选择性别代词,对彼此展示我们真实的自己。

Objective To develop a nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify G and P genotypes of group A rotavirus.───目的用巢式聚合酶链反应(PCR)对A组轮状病毒常见G、P基因型进行检测。

To closely monitor the stock movement and G. P. performance of different product mix so as to maintain an efficient performance standard.───严密监督货品动向和不同产品组合的毛利率性能,以维护经营效果。


Yes, people like G.P., for all his faults.

This afternoon I wanted to ask Caliban to post a letter to G.P. from me.

I've got up again and put on G.P.'s clavichord record.

This afternoon I read what I wrote about G.P. the day before yesterday.

Objective To study the protective effect of grape polyphenol( G P P) on D N Aand chromo some damage induced by irradiation .

When consultation rates are matched against incapacity rates, there is evidence that lower income patients under-utilise G.P. services ....

I unpacked all the things he'd bought. First of all, there was G.P.'s picture.

Supposing aunt sees us, said G.P. Barber's got the foulest reputation in Cornwall.
