security intelligence 信息详情security intelligence




secret intelligence───秘密情报

social intelligence───社会智力;社交智能

specific intelligence───特殊智力

machine intelligence───[计]机器智能

share intelligence───分享情报

social intelligences───社会智力;社交智能

swarm intelligence───群体智能

electronic intelligence───电子情报

collect intelligence───收集情报


Hamas's Internal Security Intelligence service hauled hundreds to its headquarters.───哈马斯的内部安全调查机构把几百人强行运至它的总部。

We should also create a security intelligence strategy that includes process centric risk management.───我们还应该创建安全智能策略,其中包含了以流程为中心的风险管理。

security intelligence work is the strategy source of public security organs, which is the adviser for strategies of leaders of all levels.───公安情报信息工作是公安机关决策的“源”,是各级领导管理决策的参谋。

Mr Chen would not say whether he knew the woman's name, but said he wanted this country's Security Intelligence Service to investigate.───陈先生不肯说他是否知道那位女性的名字。但他希望国家安全情报部门能够调查。

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service is responsible for intelligence gathering on a domestic level.───(加拿大)加拿大安全情报部门负责在国内收集情报。

Discrimination on Concept of Public Security Intelligence───公安情报概念辨析

On the Efficiency and Function of Public Security Intelligence and Its Collecting and Controlling Methods───论公安情报信息的效能作用及采控方法

The public frontier security intelligence nets should be standardized───谈公安边防部队信息网络建设


Police and immigration officers arrested the woman previously assistant on the grounds that security intelligence agency suspected her of spying for Russia.
