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each morning 信息详情each morning





half mourning───半哀悼

good morning───int.早安,早上好

health warning───健康警告

in the morning───在清晨;次日上午

early warning───预先警报

foggy morning───雾蒙蒙的早晨




Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.───每天早上清洁工们确保一切都干干净净。

She was fed up with the builders' wolf whistles each morning.───每天早上都有建筑工人冲她挑逗地吹口哨,她烦都烦死了。

Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.───每天早晨他都刮胡子、擦皮鞋。

Breakfast had a good variety each morning and was as substantial as you wanted.───每天早上的早餐多样化,你想要什么就有什么。旅馆在一区。

It was then I realized how much I counted on seeing her each morning. You might say I missed her.───那时我才意识到自己每天多么渴望见到她,可以说,我想她。

Much easier to wave one's hand in the general direction of east, and say, it rises there each morning, so there can be nothing wrong.───举起手来指着大体上的东方,并且说:“太阳每天早上从那儿升起来,因此没有什么不对劲啊”,这样做会更加容易些。

Of course, I remembered all this only after she vanished, it was then I realized how much I counted on seeing her each morning.───当然,只有在她突然消失后,我才想起所有这一切,才意识到,每天早上我是多么渴望能见到她。

Try logging out of chat programs for an hour or two each morning to help you focus.───每天早上退出聊天工具1到2个小时会有助于提高你的集中力。

The flock, which had been abandoned by their former owner, prowled the streets in a pack and would begin crowing at 0400 BST each morning.───这群鸡在被前任主人抛弃后,成群结队地在大街上散步,每天凌晨一到英国夏令时4点钟就开始打鸣。


She decided to go jogging each morning.

We ride our horses in the park each morning.

Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.

Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.

He went down early each morning and jumped up and down in the briny, enjoying every minute of it.

When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.

The monks spend an hour in contemplation each morning.

The drummers beat a tattoo each morning.

Each morning they sallied forth in search of jobs.
