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cold light───[光]冷光

cold night───寒夜

hand tight───手紧螺纹管接头;用手上紧的

hold it───慢着,等等

hold with───v.赞同;容忍

hot light───主光;热光

golden light───金光

hand tighter───手更紧些

hand tightest───手最紧的


To give without expectation, what is it that makes it hold tight to what we have?───付出不求回报?那么又是什么让我们把自己拥有的东西攥得紧紧的?

Hold tight to the handle bars and be careful you don't tumble off.───握紧把手,当心摔下来.

I need somebody I can hold tight.───我需要一些人使我能把握住.

Want to hold tight main battlefield specially - excellent turn classroom structure, permeate the United States to teach.───特别要抓住主阵地 -- 优化课堂结构, 渗透美育.

Hold tight. I'm going to let go.───你抓紧, 我要放手了.

Hold tight. I'm going to let go.───抓紧,我要放手了。

Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.───抓紧我的手,跟着我。

Hold tight when you ride at the back of your brother's scooter.───你坐在你哥哥的摩托车后面时,要抓牢.

A word of Director Zhang is hold tight gets them really a flesh is painful.───张局长的一句话当真是揪得他们阵阵肉痛.

Climb on to my back and hold tight.───爬到我背上抓紧了。

The unions have circulated their branches, urging members to hold tight until a national deal is struck.───各工会已经在其分支机构中作了宣传工作,敦促会员等到达成全国性协议后再行动。

The advice for individual investors is to hold tight.───给个人投资者的建议是不要轻举妄动。


Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.

Hold tight. I'm going to let go.

Record-breaking ful Following sentence incomplete; original unavailable Hold tight!

Hold tight when you ride at the back of your brother's scooter.

Hold tight to the handrail!

Hold tight and don't let go of my hand.

I need somebody I can hold tight.

"Hold tight!" She increased her grip.

Climb on to my back and hold tight.
