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giant snake 信息详情giant snake




giant snail───巨蜗牛

giant snails───巨型蜗牛

giant ape───巨猿

giant size───特大号包装

giant star───[天]巨星

giant stars───[天]巨星

glass snake───腹纹蛇晰

grass snake───青草蛇

king snake───王蛇(等于Lampropeltisgetulus)


The second one is a tree root as thick as a bowl mouth, stretching as long as tens of meters as a giant snake, which may shock you when you see it.───二绝是山中有一条碗口粗的树根,沿路伸延数十米,如游动的巨蟒,令人心惊肉跳;

Most 'Dreamtime' originates with the Giant Dog or the Giant Snake, and each is unique and colourful in its explanation.───大多数创世记源自巨犬或巨蛇,而且每个创世记在它的解释中都是独一无二的。

A group of university students go in search of a missing friend in the jungle where they meet a giant snake.───一群大学生去寻找一个失踪的朋友在丛林中,他们遇见一个巨大的蛇。

Thus the findings of each become wrong, his statements incorrect, and his emotional reactions, such as fear of a giant snake, inappropriate.───所以个别的发现是错了,他的意见不正确,而他的情绪反应,例如把象的尾巴当作一条蛇,因而惊骇,是不适当的。

Perhaps her worst movie was "Anaconda, " about a giant snake that terrorizes a documentary film crew in the Amazon rain forest.───也许她拍的最糟糕的电影就是《狂蟒之灾》了,这是一部关于一条使整个在亚马逊热带雨林地区拍摄纪录片的摄制组都感到恐怖的巨蟒。

The giant snake (pictured in the Peruvian Amazon) can reach lengths of 23 feet (7 meters) and weigh in at 550 pounds (227 kilograms).───这种巨蛇(图片摄于秘鲁亚马逊流域)可以长到23英尺(7米)长,550磅(227千克)重。

The Giant Snake That Swallowed a Girl───巨蟒吞吃女孩


Salma Hayek plays an exotic dancer whose act involves a giant snake in this Quentin Tarantino / Robert Rodriguez team-up ...
