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butyl acetate 信息详情butyl acetate





butyl acetates───[有化]乙酸丁酯;醋酸丁酯

benzyl acetate───[有化]乙酸苄酯;醋酸苄酯

bornyl acetate───乙酸龙脑酯;[有化]醋酸冰片酯

methyl acetate───[有化]乙酸甲酯

pentyl acetate───乙酸戊酯

amyl acetate───醋酸戊酯,乙酸戊酯,香蕉油,香蕉水

ethyl acetate───[有化]乙酸乙酯

vinyl acetate───[有化]醋酸乙烯酯

benzyl acetates───[有化]乙酸苄酯;醋酸苄酯


A method of synthesis of n - butyl acetate catalyzed by zinc sulfate has been developed.───用硫酸锌催化,乙酸和正丁醇合成乙酸正丁酯.

This method is applicable in the field of butyl acetate production.───本方法适用于醋酸丁酯的生产领域.

Objective To study the catalytic activity of ceric sulfate in the synthesis of butyl acetate.───目的研究硫酸铈在合成乙酸丁酯工艺中的催化性能.

Like butyl acetate, xylene, propyl alcohol, pimelinketone are slow solvents.───象醋酸丁酯 、 二甲苯 、 异丙醇 、 环己酮都属慢干溶剂.

Objective To establish gas chromatographic method for butyl acetate in workplace air.───建立工作场所空气中乙酸丁酯的热解吸气相色谱测定方法.

Result: In optimal conditions, the yield of Sec - butyl acetate was over 93.8 %.───结果: 在最佳试验条件下乙酸仲丁酯收率达93.8%.

The results show that the polymers have catalytic activity of n-butyl acetate.───结果表明,腰果酚醛铁聚合物具有催化合成乙酸丁酯的性能;


Butyl acetate was synthesized from acetonitrile and butanol by one-step method.

Acetone, tetrahydrofuran, butyl acetate and carbon tetrachloride in liquid state were used to induce the crystallization of bisphenol-A polycarbonate (BAPC) film.

A method of synthesis of n - butyl acetate catalyzed by zinc sulfate has been developed.

Objective To establish gas chromatographic method for butyl acetate in workplace air.

Objective To study the catalytic activity of ceric sulfate in the synthesis of butyl acetate.

Result: In optimal conditions, the yield of Sec - butyl acetate was over 93.8 %.

Synthesis experiments of butyl acetate were done with ammonium ferric hydrogen phosphate as catalyzer.

Like butyl acetate, xylene, propyl alcohol, pimelinketone are slow solvents.

This method is applicable in the field of butyl acetate production.
