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this boy is 信息详情this boy is




ships boys───n.船上男服务员

bus boys───餐厅的帮手

thigh bones───股骨;腿节

thigh boots───统高至大腿之靴子;长统靴

toy boys───小白脸儿

this day week───上星期的今天;下星期的今天

third forces───第三种力量

third houses───第三家

third molars───[解剖]第三磨牙;[解剖]迟牙


This boy is handsome.───这个男孩很英俊。

This boy is her son.───这个男孩是她的儿子。

This boy is watching television.───这个男孩正在看电视。

This boy is not a boy at all, but a strong, purposeful man.───这孩子根本不是孩子了,而是一个强壮的有志向的男子汉了。

Villa have John Carew and Gabriel Agbonlahor but this boy is in a different class to those two as a regular scorer.───维拉已经拥有约翰卡鲁和阿邦拉霍,但是这个孩子相对于那两个普通的射手来说是不同级别的。

Hey, John. . . you think this boy is a hustler?───嗨,约翰…你觉得这个男生会是个骗子么?

This boy is so charming, also a love dearly. . . He is always in my idol and example.───这样的男孩是多么迷人,同时也令人心疼……他永远是我心中的偶像和榜样。

This boy is clever enough to compete for the gold medal in mathematics.───这个男孩子十分聪明,完全有能力去争夺数学竞赛金牌。

This boy is a music talent. He could sing difficult songs well when he was only nine.───这个男孩是个音乐天才,他只有九岁的时候就能唱难度很大的歌了。


This boy is that age is maximal among all boys.

I learn that this boy is in business in Capetown.

Take my word for it, this boy is going to have a bright future.

This boy is being treated for a heart condition.

This boy is a celebrity here, a national hero.

This boy is not a boy at all, but a strong, purposeful man.

This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.

Villa have John Carew and Gabriel Agbonlahor but this boy is in a different class to those two as a regular scorer.

This boy is a contortionist beggar, doing some rather appalling and dangerous spins.
