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roast duck 信息详情roast duck




fast buck───n.轻易得来的钱;投机赚钱

toast rack───烤面包片架

roast turkey───烤火鸡;烧火鸡

Trojan duck───特洛伊鸭

a fast buck───轻易得来的钱

toast racks───烤面包片架

roast chicken───烤鸡;烧鸡;烤油鸡;片皮脆烧鸡

roasting jack───烤杰克

black duck───黑鸭子(中国演唱组合名)


We'd like a Beijing roast duck, some hot dishes, some sweet cakes and some fruit, please!───我们要一份北京烤鸭, 一些辣菜, 一些甜点和一些水果.

This restaurant is famous for roast duck.───这家餐馆的烤鸭很有名气.

He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast duck.───他很饿,因而叫了两份烤鸭.

I'd like to eat something different, for example, Beijing roast duck.───我想吃点特别的, 比如北京烤鸭.

The main course was roast duck.───主菜是烤鸭。

Roast duck. There will be a slight delay for that.───烤鸭. 那会稍微慢一点.

You shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew, John.───约翰,你不要让烤鸭和炖牛肉把你的胃口吃倒了.

This roast duck is done to a turn.───这鸭子烤得正到火候.

He is very fond of roast duck.───他很喜欢烤鸭.

Yeah, I like Chinese food and I love Beijing roast duck.───是的, 我喜欢中国食品,并且很喜欢北京烤鸭.

Oh, Let's eat Beijing Roast Duck.───噢, 去吃北京烤鸭吧.

I want shrimps salad and roast duck.───我要虾仁沙拉和烤鸭.

His favorite dish is roast duck.───他最喜欢吃的菜是烤鸭。

It is your treat, but you shouldn't stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew, John.───约翰,虽说是你请客, 也用不着对烤鸭和炖牛肉狼吞虎咽呀.

Help yourself to some roast duck.───请吃点烤鸭.

Yes, I am . I'd like some wine and roast duck.───是的. 我想要些酒和烤鸭.

I like roast duck and mapo tofu.───我想要烤鸭和麻婆豆腐。

roast duck with orange sauce───烤鸭蘸橘子酱


Fish, roast duck, spareribs soup, shrimps and cabbage.

The main course was roast duck.

Excellent menu includes roast duck, smoked salmon, fish and game dishes.

The roast duck was done to a T.

The next time you roast duck or chicken, cook thick slices of pineapple in the pan with lashings of black pepper.

This roast duck is done to a turn.

The Yeti Roast Duck Office has decided to have a clampdown on building new chain stores.

roast duck with orange sauce.

He was replete with roast duck.
