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strontium carbonate 信息详情strontium carbonate




ammonium carbonate───[无化]碳酸铵

sodium carbonate───碳酸钠

ammonium carbonates───[无化]碳酸铵

barium carbonate───[无化]碳酸钡;沉淀碳酸钡

sodium carbonates───碳酸钠

ammonium bicarbonate───[无化]碳酸氢铵;重碳酸铵

ammonium carbamate───[无化]氨基甲酸铵

barium carbonates───[无化]碳酸钡;沉淀碳酸钡

calcium carbonate───n.[无化]碳酸钙


The determination of chloride in industrial strontium carbonate by turbidimetry with spectrophotometer is described.───采用目视比浊法测定工业碳酸锶中的氯化物,若溶液有色,准确定量非常困难.

In this case, copper oxide and strontium carbonate get the job done.───中呈现的效果通过使用氧化铜和碳酸锶实现。

testing the samples, the average content of strontium carbonate is more than 99%.───实验样品经分析测试:碳酸锶含量大于99%。

The preparations of ultrafine strontium carbonate particles with various shapes were reviewed.───摘要对目前国内外不同形貌超细碳酸锶粒子的制备情况做了简要的综述.

Methods of preparing nanometer strontium carbonate with high purity are also reviewed.───高纯碳酸锶纳米粉体的制备技术进行了综述。

Recent research advance in preparation of ultrafine barium carbonate and strontium carbonate is summarized.───综述了超细碳酸钡和碳酸锶制备方面的研究进展.

Reduction - metathesis method for preparation of strontium carbonate from celestite is developed.───提出还原 - 复分解法制备碳酸锶的新工艺.


The preparations of ultrafine strontium carbonate particles with various shapes were reviewed.

The results indicated that rodlike and linear superfine strontium carbonate particles were prepared respectively by adding different crystal shape controlling agents with proper quantity.

Especially, the effect while adding EDTA and cerium nitrate to prepare rodlike and linear strontium carbonate particles respectively was the best.

The technology and mechanism of solution chemistry of preparation of strontium carbonate by double decomposition from celestite concentrate were investigated.

The resource status of celestite in China is introduced. The main uses, technology, capacity, quality and price of the industrial strontium carbonate in China are analyzed.

Ferrite, the low-cost non-cobalt material made of ferric oxide and barium or strontium carbonate, was launched in the 1950s.

The determination of chloride in industrial strontium carbonate by turbidimetry with spectrophotometer is described.

Reduction - metathesis method for preparation of strontium carbonate from celestite is developed.

Methods of preparing nanometer strontium carbonate with high purity are also reviewed.
