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boarded up───用板围住;用栅木板阻断

faded up───图像增亮;平滑上升;自下而上的淡入

folded up───倒闭;撒手;垮台;放弃;折叠

headed up───领导;抬高;加盖子于

laced up───用带子束紧

landed up───到达终点;最终成为;使淤塞

load up───装载货物

loads up───装载货物

locked up───锁定;冻结


The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.───这对笑哈哈的夫妇装好他们的红色跑车,开走了。

Ireland loaded up her bag with samples and hit the road.───Ireland背着装满样品的包上了路。

They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.───他们把一袋袋面粉装上运货车。

It isn't all that surprising to hear that men take more risks: Just look at all the male executives who loaded up on subprime mortgages.───男人更愿意冒险之说并不怎麽出人意料:只需看看那些制造了大量次级按揭贷款的男性高管就可以了。

So they loaded up on Italian debt as a higher-yielding alternative to that of the core European countries of Germany and the Netherlands.───于是,他们大量买入意大利国债,以其收益率要比欧洲核心国家德国和荷兰的高。

We followed a classical process and little by little loaded up the boat , worked the mast and the sails .───我们沿袭了传统的方式,一点一点的装配帆船,准备桅杆,船帆。

Hansel found a bag and loaded up all the gems and gold coins he could find.───汉梭找了一个袋子把他所找到的宝石和金币都装进去;

"Check it out, you guys, Carl has something called 'Loose Change' loaded up on his iPhone. "───“快来看,伙计们,卡尔的iPhone上载入了个叫“多余的铜板”的东西。”

I loaded up on poster board and markers, and I spent the rest of the night making all my campaign stuff.───我买了一大堆纸板和笔,一个晚上都在制作我的竞选海报。


The vehicles were loaded up.

They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.

She loaded up the car with camping gear.

We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare.

She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.

He loaded up the car with camping gear.

The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.

The barge was loaded up with coal.

The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.
