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bottle up 信息详情bottle up



克制; 遏制; 抑制; 约束


bottled up───隐藏,克制;装入瓶中控制,严密封锁

bottles up───隐藏,克制;装入瓶中控制,严密封锁

bottle cap───瓶盖

bottle imp───瓶中怪

bottle out───瓶塞

bottle top───瓶盖

bottle it───闭口不提;把想说的话藏在心里


settle up───付清;了结;结账


He dredged a bottle up that swam on the water.───他捞起漂浮在水面的一只瓶子。

Hold bottle up - right with thumb under base and nozzle between first and second fingers.───右手的大拇子,食指和中指握住瓶子(就是握笔的姿势).

Tip the bottle up so it's in the same position as it would be when feeding the baby.───按照喂婴儿时的姿势倾斜奶瓶。

Be assertive rather than bottle up your anger.───要坚定自信,而不是把愤怒藏在心里。

Don't bottle up your anger; Let it out.───别抑制你的怒气, 让它发泄出来.

The bailiff had a weakness for Michael, whom he had known from his bottle up.───管家偏爱迈克尔, 因为他从迈克尔吃奶的时候就认识他.

Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment.───他们不是把问题提出来讨论, 而是把怒气和怨愤憋在肚子里.

Don't bottle up your feelings.───不要抑制你的感觉.

It is better to cry than to bottle up your feelings.───哭出来比压抑你的情绪要好得多。

We hold on to our breath and bottle up the stress inside.───我们要屏住气息然后把压力封闭到气息中。

I guess I bottle up my feelings, and find it hard when I am criticised.───我想我隐藏了自己的感觉, 在遭受批评时要找到它很难.

