leveling the playing field 信息详情leveling the playing field




level playing field───公平竞争的环境;平等的竞争环境;公平竞技场;平等状态

level playing fields───公平竞争环境

a level playing field───公平竞争环境

leave the field───退出比赛,撤出战斗

playing field───运动场;球场


I call it leveling the playing field and giving parents a way to put money aside for a child with a disability.───我认为这个计划为残疾人创造了平等的环境,并为他们的父母提供了一种可为他们储蓄一定资金的方式。

Whether it's a developer using Google Cloud Platform to power their new application, or a creator finding new income and viewers via YouTube, we believe in leveling the playing field for everyone.───无论是使用Google公共云推动新应用研发的开发者,还是通过YouTube发现新收入来源和观众的创作者,我们都相信Google会为每个人提供一个公平竞争的平台。

Taxes for equity - the report advocates broad based taxes - on the basis that leveling the playing field will require adequate resources.───公平税-报告鼓吹扩大税基-依据是创造公平竞争环境需要足够的资源。


Bush also said he and Schafer would work to "continue leveling the playing field by concluding the Doha Round" of multilateral trade negotiations.

And if that means leveling the playing field for investors, as former jailbird Martha Stewart might say, it's a good thing.
