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go and get 信息详情go and get





go and do───去做吧

go all out───全力以赴

go and───去,然后

go under───vt.破产;沉没;屈服;失败

to and fro───来来回回

go hard with───努力

go around with───四处走动

meet and greet───见面问候

come and get it!───请过来吃吧;试试拿走它吧


Go and get your daddy for me.───去把你爸爸给我叫过来。

You go and get your letters from your box.───你到邮箱里去拿你的信件.

Go and get your coat on.───去把你的外套穿上。

Go and get some more oil so we don't run short.───去多弄些油来以免到时候用光了.

I don't think we can stretch out the fuel to the end of this week, so you'd better go and get some more.───燃料恐怕不够烧到本周末, 你最好再去搞一些来.

Please go and get him.───请去把他叫来.

This spade is no good. I'll go and get another one.───这铁锹不中用, 我去换一把吧.

They swear him to go and get a bulletin - board.───他们叫他对天发誓说他一定要去弄块广告牌.

Go and get some water.───你去弄点水来.

Go and get a dictionary and we'll look the word up.───去拿词典来,我们查查这个字.

I'll stand in for you while you go and get a cup of coffee.───你去喝杯咖啡,我来暂时替你一下.

What are you in need of? I'll go and get it.───需要 什么 ?我去奔.

Would you go and get me a glass of water?───你去给我倒杯水来好 吗 ?

Go and get me some good eggs.───去给我买些新鲜鸡蛋来.

Go and get me a large brandy.───去给我拿一大杯白兰地来。

All right, you can go and get your storybook.───好吧,你可以去拿你的故事书了。

Quick —go and get a cloth!───快—去拿块布来!

I'll go and get it.───我去拿。


Go and get your hair cut!

Go and get your daddy for me.

Please go and get him.

She screamed at them to go and get help.

Go and get dressed!

Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.

Go and get me a pen please.

I'd better go and get ready.

Go and get washed up.
