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abbey road 信息详情abbey road




bee road───蜜蜂路

beef road───牛肉路

busy road───交通繁重的道路

access road───通路;(高速公路的)交流道

lonely road───孤独的路



back road───支路;僻径;乡村小道

bee roads───蜜蜂路


Hundreds of fans flocked to Abbey Road to walk across the famous zebra crossing to mark the 40th anniversary of the album.───数百名歌迷聚集到艾比路,穿行这儿著名的斑马线,以纪念该专辑唱片发行40周年。

Recording my album at Abbey Road Studios with an orchestra was amazing.───在爱彼路录音室与管弦乐队的录音令人惊叹。

It emerged that EMI is considering selling its Abbey Road studios in London, used by many top bands and orchestras and immortalised by the Beatles.───EMI正在考虑卖掉其在伦敦的艾比路录音室,许多著名的乐队和管弦乐队都曾在艾比路录音室录过音,特别是甲壳虫乐队使这家录音室闻名于世。

It was 40 years ago today that the Beatles were photographed, using the zebra crossing on Abbey Road for the front of their new record.───40年前的今天,甲壳虫乐队在艾比路的斑马线上拍摄下了他们新专辑的封面。

This crosswalk reminds me of the Beatles' album Abbey Road.───白色人行道让人想起甲壳虫乐队的唱片专辑《艾比路》。

Recording my album at Abbey Road Studios with an orchestra was amazing.───她在爱彼路录音室与管弦乐队的录音令人惊叹。

The Iron Maiden footage is from them playing Live at Abbey Road on UK Television put to the Studio audio original track.───铁娘子的镜头是从他们现场演出在英国电视台在修道院路演播室音频原来的轨道。

In the late 1960s, a record label appeared on Abbey Road in London England.───60年代末期,一家唱片公司在英国伦敦的艾比路诞生了。


In 1962 an uncharted assemble from metropolis entered Abbey Road Studios to achievement their entry single.

The Iron Maiden footage is from them playing Live at Abbey Road on UK Television put to the Studio audio original track.

This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio. 150 full-color, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.

The album was recorded at the legendary Abbey Road studios.
