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But I tend to use P Q R for sentences and A for A, now that I have explained it, that should be smaller case.───但是我喜欢用P,Q,R来代表句子,A就代表,我已经解释了,应该是小写的。

to possibly happen, well, we need certainly some relations between p, Q and r.───要使得这个成立,当然需要一些p, Q, R之间的关系。

Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet.───英语字母表中,Q在P和R之间。

A But I tend to use P Q R for sentences and A for A, now that I have explained it, that should be smaller case.───但是我喜欢用P,Q,R来代表句子,A就代表,我已经解释了,应该是小写的。

And a new improved droop method, P-Q droop coefficient regulation method, was proposed. Simulation results confirm the proposed method.───并且提出了一种改进的均流控制方法:PQ系数调整法,仿真结果证实了这种方法。

And for that to possibly happen, well, we need certainly some relations between P, Q and R.───要使得这个成立,当然需要一些P,Q,R之间的关系。

You just said one. Oh no you didn't okay you say one Student: Inaudible Prof: no that was an if P and Q wasn't it?───你刚说了一个,哦不,你没有,好,说一个,学生:,教授:不,那是如果P,Q,对吗?

What you do is just-- R Say that your vector field has components P, Q and R.───你要做的就是。。。,比如说向量场有分量P,,Q和。

153 allied seamen died from p. q . 17 , but not one naval officer or rating were killed in their defence.───第17护航舰队的153名盟军水兵战死,但是没有一名海军军官和商船水手死亡。


CommodoreJ C K Dowding led convoy P. Q. 17, consisting of 36 heavily laden Merchant Ships out of Reykjavik , on the 27th June, 1942.

This is called the partial fraction expansion of p / q.

Thus P Q does not imply that P and q run at the same speed.
