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equally spaced 信息详情equally spaced




equally valid───同等有效

wall space───墙面

equally culpable───同样有罪

crawl space───慢行通过的空间;供电线或水管等通过的槽隙

crawl spaces───慢行通过的空间

double space───n.两倍行距

double spaces───n.两倍行距


doubled space───n.两倍行距


Notice that the energy eigenvalues are not equally spaced.───注意,这些本征值并不是等距离分布的.

Eight gridmolds of the conventional design are mounted , equally spaced along the table top's circular edge.───八个普通结构的板栅模具, 沿工作台顶部周边间隔相等.

The trees were equally spaced out.───树木被平均地间隔开来。

of equally spaced data, this method degenerates to the usual K-point sliding averaging.───当用于等间距时序资料时,此方法过渡到常用的K点滑动简单平均。

The seedlings were equally spaced.───那些树苗以一定的间隔种植.


For the anharmonic oscillator, then, the vibrational energy levels associated with a particular vibration are not equally spaced.

Try to get into the habit of eating at least three small meals a day, at equally spaced intervals.

According to this concept a traffic stream of equally spaced vehicles with identical acoustic power output is equivalent to just one source situated between a pair of rigid image walls.

In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing.

Make sure all four struts are equally spaced around circle.

Use plants that are evergreen and semi-evergreen in equally spaced settings for added winter color and unity.

The remaining half circle is then divided up by marking 180 equally spaced dashes along the circumference of the semicircle.

There are three equally spaced pointed arm spines on the proximal segments, but they are lacking on the distalmost segments.

This paper studies the realization theory of beamformer with frequency invariant beam pattern of equally spaced linear arrays.
