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protestant ethic 信息详情protestant ethic





Protestant ethic───新教伦理;新教价值观

Protestant work ethic───新教伦理

Protestant work ethics───新教工作伦理


the Protestant work ethic───新教的职业道德



Puritan ethic───清教徒伦理



One line of theory which I would like to look at more is that men have the Protestant ethic of going out to work to make money and not to enjoy it," Simon Easton, co-author of the report said.───调查报告的撰写者之一西蒙伊斯顿说:“我想深入探讨的一个说法是男性对于工作的态度带有一种新教的观念,他们认为工作是为了赚钱而不是从中获得快乐。”

In a nation that operates on a staunch Protestant work ethic, this belief could be considered radical.───在工作被认为最基本的教条的国度里面,这个信念可被视为激进。

It is his Protestant ethic that Calvin uses to spread the enlightening spirit of the Reformation and the important historical significance.───加尔文正是以他的新教伦理传达了宗教改革运动的启蒙精神及其重大历史意义。

The Protestant ethic was being destroyed by the shopping mall and the counter-culture.───新教伦理正被超市和反正统文化摧毁。

They dedicate themselves to the Protestant ethic of hard work and believe strongly in self-reliance and self-determination.───他们自律于新教徒辛勤工作的伦理规范,并深植于自信及自决的原则。

Hence, the Protestant ethic constitutes the basic moral code of morality in North America.───因此,新教伦理就是美洲地区道德的构成内容。

His most recognized work is his essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.───他最著名的作品是《新教伦理与资本主义精神》。

Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Weber, Max.───《新教伦理与资本主义精神》。


After Martin Luther, Jean Calvin advanced the protestant ethic.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism . Max Weber .

It spread through the body and achieved chemically and pharmacologically what rationalism and the Protestant ethic sought to fulfill spiritually and ideologically.

In 1904, the German scholar Max Weber published The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
