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match them 信息详情match them




watch stem───表杆

catch the mood───捕捉情绪

watch the game───看比赛

watch stems───表柄

catch a thief───抓贼

catch the eye───引人注目

catch the sun───晒黑

match fitness───比赛适能

catch hell───受罪;挨痛骂;受严惩


Another exercise to inspire innovation is to take random items and match them together.───另一个激发创造力的练习是用随机的物品并把他们匹配起来。

To match them up more closely, we rewrote their resumes to match.───为了使她们更接近,我们改写了她们的履历。

Topic objects and the RACF profiles that match them secure topic trees.───TOPIC对象和匹配它们的RACF配置文件保护主题树。

THE monument to Soviet central planning was supposed to have been a heap of surplus left boots without any right ones to match them.───人常谑苏联中央计划经济模式留下来的纪念碑,谓其总是造出一堆过剩的左脚靴,却忘记造一些右脚靴相配。

Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easy to match them up with your own.───假睫毛有各种不同的长度和颜色,所以很容易与你自己的睫毛配

At the time I gave up several foods to match them, but I still had a few favorites I was hanging on to.───那时我戒了一些食物来和他们配上,但是我还是保住了一些我最爱吃的。

A number of metacharacters require special treatment when trying to match them.───许多元字符要求在试图匹配它们时特别对待。

No doubt each will have their particular strengths and weaknesses but, again, match them to goals and desires.───毫无疑问,每个职位都有自己的优点和缺点,但你应该再次将它们与你的目标和期望进行匹配。

Keep all transaction receipts and match them up to your credit card statement.───要保持你每次账上的交易和卡上的报表一致。


Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easy to match them up with your own.

This is what allows you to adjust the colours and mix and match them for your new palette.

I remembered lessons from my geography classes and tried to match them with what I was seeing below.

The only way for us to match them is by legislating a rising carbon price along with efficiency and renewable standards that will stimulate massive private investment in clean-tech.

She liked to look at the visitors as they arrived and try to match them with the patients.

Make sure the brushes go back the right way up - match them with the side you have not yet removed.

Under that, they pay the double-occupancy rate, and let the line try to match them with a roommate.

Her eyes tuned in, but her mind could not match them.

Can you name the animals and match them to the correct countries?
