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bumps off───干掉

jumps off───跳下来;开始,开始进攻

dumps on───投放;欺骗某人

jumps on───跳上;扑向;责备

damps off───枯萎;腐败

jumps out───跳出

pumps out───抽出

bumps up───突然增加;提升

comes of───出身于…;起源于…;由…引起


Lumps of fat?───坨脂肪么?

We're not just lumps of bone and flesh.───我们不仅仅只是几块骨头和肉。

Of course cars and books are passive lumps of metal, paper and ink.───当然汽车和书籍是一堆被动的金属,纸张和墨水。

"We're looking for good back legs, " Nicholson says quietly, "and where the tail meets the body you want to see some nice lumps of fat. "───“我们要寻找一块好的后腿肉,”Nicholson平静的说,“在尾巴和身体交界的地方你可以看到一些漂亮的脂肪快。”

During the next few million years, lumps of that disk stuck together to form the familiar eight planets of the modern solar system.───在接下来的几百万年间,盘状物中的几块粘在一起形成了现代太阳系所熟悉的八大行星。

People became so reluctant to hold paper money, which lost value by the hour, that eggs and lumps of coal began to circulate as currency.───人们都生怕持有这种以小时为单位贬着值的纸币,到头来鸡蛋和煤块都开始承担起了货币的流转角色。

Santa should reward them, just as he delivers lumps of coal to those who have been less helpful.───圣诞老人应当奖赏它们,就像他会给那些寡助的人们送去煤块一样。

Lumps of coal can be barely ignited. However, coal dust in coal mines is one of the causes of explosive combustion. Explain.───煤块很难点燃,但煤矿中的煤粉却是引致爆炸性燃烧的原因之一。试加以解释。

A typical coal-fired plant burns three lumps of coal to produce one lump's worth of electricity; the rest goes up the chimney as waste heat.───一个典型的煤电厂每烧3份的煤可以产生1份的电;其余的热量全部作为废热排出去了。


She could tell from the small lumps of matter floating on its vermilion surface.

All my body parts felt like lumps of lead.

The zinc-lined drawers held lumps of ice delivered weekly by the fishmonger.

They were focussed greeny-yellow eyes, like lumps of soapstone.

The lumps of stonework that had remained standing now crumbled.

Lumps of steak pie; livid red meat, clammy puff pastry.

Bruce and Kim have large lumps of clay.

Break up these large lumps of dirt.

Burning lumps of phosphorus jelly were scattered amongst the containers, forming a foreground that was blinding.
