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call center───客户服务中心

garden center───n.花卉商店

call centers───客户服务中心

card counter───[计]卡片计数器

nerve center───神经中枢;神经元

care sector───护理部门



city center───n.[建]市中心


Sometimes Call Center ( CC ) is also called Customer Care Center ( CCC ).───呼叫中心 ( CC:CallCenter ),在国内有时也叫客户服务中心 ( CCC:CustomerCareCenter ).

Please enter your Email user name and password to access our Customer Care Center.───请输入您的电邮用户名称与密码以便使用我们的客户服务中心.

My mother taught for 11 years at a day care center.───我母亲在一家日托中心当了11年保育员.

Chinese CDC and child care center expert group expert.───中国CDC妇幼保健中心专家组专家.

Think about the difference in start - up costs between, say, a day - care center and a fitness center.───想想不同连锁店在开设成本上的差异, 譬如说托儿所和健身中心.

Maloney and George drove to a local urgent-care center.───马宏升和乔治马上驱车到当地的急救中心。

The cost of starting up a day care center for children ranges from $150,000 to $300,000.───开办一个儿童日托中心的费用在15万到30万美元之间。

a dozen officers recently visited a new day care center in City of God.───治安警官最近访问上帝之城一个新的托儿中心的图片。

Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children.───有的说,上日托对小孩是种有积极影响的经历.

Hospitals include the 230-bed Flagler Hospital and the Mayo Clinic Primary Care Center.───医院包括有230个床位的弗拉格勒医院和梅约临床初级护理中心。

When Allie was a toddler, I would go to the day - care center after work.───艾莉刚在学步的时候, 我下班后常去托儿所接她.

The ECG monitoring system includes user monitoring terminal and hospital care center.───本监护系统包括用户监护终端和远端的医院监护中心.

Hospitals include the 230 - bed Flagler Hospital and the Mayo Clinic Primary Care Center.───这里的医院包括有230个床位的弗拉格勒医院和梅约临床初级护理中心.

They regretted the closure of the day care center.───他们为托儿所的关闭感到遗憾.

Xiaoli donated some stationary to the orphans in a child care center.───这个孩子总是这样的沉默寡言.


She spent time at a day care center, a senior center, a food distribution place.

The Urgent Care Center provides industrial medicine and workers' compensation examinations for local companies.

The cost of starting up a day care center for children ranges from $150,000 to $300,000.

Electric Co. has had its own child care center at its Beale Street headquarters since 1992.

Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children.

Aiello owned Lincoln Care Center, a northern California nursing home.

Cox posed as a doctor to gain entrance to the day care center.

They regretted the closure of the day care center.

Chinese CDC and child care center expert group expert.
