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so as───conj.为了,以便,以致









pattern in Figure 20 shows the first solution, where the minimum multiplicity of item D as input of Task 4 is set to zero.───图20中的模式显示的是第一种解决方案,在其中,项目D被作为Task 4的输入,它的最小增殖次数被设置为零。

People over age 50 need extra vitamin D because, for one thing, our skin becomes less able to make vitamin D as we age.───超过五十岁的人需要补充维他命D,因为,一方面,我们的皮肤随着年龄的增长,合成维他命D的能力也慢慢下降。

We're going to bring it out in 3-d as a theatrical rerelease on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic in 2012," Mr. Cameron said.───我们将会在泰坦尼克号沉船100周年之际,于2012年在各大影院再度上映这部影片的3 - D版,”卡梅隆先生说。

His patients in Santa Fe often don'tlook or think anything like the patients recruited for STAR*D, as far as he's been able to find.───据他的发现表明,他在圣达菲的病人并不像STAR*D招募的病人一样的看待或思考问题。

But R&D as a percentage of revenues was up slightly from a year earlier because revenues dropped at a faster rate than R&D spending.───但研发费用在收入中的比重较头一年略有上升,原因是收入的下降比研发费用的下降更快。

The governor, seeming to like my company, had me frequently to his house, and his setting me up was always mention'd as a fixed thing.───那位州长表面上好像很喜欢和我来往,常常叫我到他家去。

So I thought it look'd AS we may perhaps look upon it hereafter, viz. AS a place I had liv'd in, but wAS come out of it.───因此,我对世界的看法,就像我们离开人世后对世界的看法一样:这是我曾经居住过的地方,但现在已经离开了。

And it comes to this: The total value of System D as a global phenomenon is close to $10 trillion.───算出来的结果让人大吃一惊:全球D体系总值接近10万亿美元。

The body is divided into three parts: Part one, the issue that whether sexual bribe could be definite d as crime.───正文分为三个部分:第一部分,关于性贿赂能否入罪不足。


This paper introduces a DCHV optic-electronic measurement system which uses a dual-slope A/D as its signal converter.

D: As for non - drug therapy, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, cupping.

What prompted those thoughts was the success of the online version of the O.E.D., as it is usually called, and the limited sales of the printed 20-volume edition.

D . as the spark discharge will throw a flame, using inflammable extreme caution when.
