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to be baby 信息详情to be baby




to baby───给宝贝

to be had───被拥有

to belady───是不是迟到了

to belay───保护

to benday───到本日

to beray───是拉姆

to betray───背叛

to beweary───索赔

to bewray───做广告


The baby had been ill but seemed to be on the mend.───这婴儿生病了,但看起来病情正在好转。

Baby diapers, which used to be made of reusable cloth, are now paper throw-aways.───婴儿尿布以前是用可重复使用的布做的,现在都是用一次性的纸做的。

may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.───家庭成员对新婴儿可能有个比较混乱的适应期。

i love you . i don't want to be baby's angel . i just want to be baby's joyful.───我爱你,我不要做宝贝的天使,我只要做宝贝的快乐。

Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.───“适合三岁以上”,怎么叫我当口水公主的临时保姆呢。

Image above: Located in the far corner of our bedroom is my home office and soon-to-be baby nook.───上图:我卧室的一角是我在家的办公室,很快就会成为婴儿一角。

So i'll close my eyes and dream a little Just like how we used to be baby───我闭上眼睛进入梦香,就像我们曾经那样。

We, were never meant to be baby we just happen───我们虽不是注定的一对,但是我们就这么发生了

are you ready to be baby is father───准备好当爸爸了吗?

