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close with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

closed with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

closes with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束

broke with───v.结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

chime with───与……相一致

done with───完毕

gone with───v.伴随;与…相配;和交朋友

hold with───v.赞同;容忍

toy with───玩弄;不很认真地考虑


Paul closes the letter by speaking God's blessing of underserved love in Christ for Timothy and all those with him in Ephesus.───保罗提到神在基督里对提摩太和所有与他同在以弗所之人的爱---人不配得的爱,并以此结束他的书信。

This left the remainder of the slaves in great jealousy of those with fame and with the desire to experience such technology for themselves.───这让其他奴隶非常嫉妒那些有名望的奴隶,并渴望自己也体验这样的技术。

Even those with no qualms of principle, and with sympathy for Israel, scratch their heads to work out the logic of such an act.───甚至那些没有原则上疑虑并同情以色列的人也在手挠头皮,企图找到合乎逻辑的说法。

Unfortunately, the material that spills from apoptotic cells of those with lupus, especially the chromosomal fragments, is often abnormal.───不幸的是,狼疮患者凋亡细胞排出的物质,特别是染色体碎片,经常是不正常的。

Those with a passing interest in history recall how the last time the Tories lured them into government the party was consigned to oblivion.───对历史稍感兴趣的人会记得,上一次保守党引诱他们组建联合政府,自由民主党最终被遗忘到九霄云外。

Those with mild to moderate depression indulge in up to a third more sexual activity than others, whether they are in a relationship or not.───无论她们是否有恋人,轻度至中度抑郁的女性性行为的频率比其他女性多三分之一。


Economy class can be uncomfortable for those with extra-long legs.

Those with high energies, such as iron, would penetrate the craft and bore through human cells.

There is no alternative for those with no car of their own.

Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.

There is no help for those with lots of luggage and / or small children.

Those, with the ones we have, will be enough.

Those with such an awakened spirit might be blessed in this life with divine dreams and revelations.

Holidays in the Australian outback are for those with an adventurous streak.

Tax exemption only applies to those with non-resident status.
