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diving ducks 信息详情diving ducks




diving duck───潜鸭

sitting ducks───易被击中的目标;易被欺骗的对象

Peking ducks───北京烤鸭;北京鸭

diving dress───[水运]潜水服

diving suits───[水运]潜水衣

dabbling ducks───钻水鸭

graving docks───干船坞

Peking duck───北京烤鸭;北京鸭

awning decks───遮盖甲板;天帘甲板

双语使用场景 英语使用场景

Rises more steeply from water than most diving ducks, wings making a loud singing note in flight.

Pochards are the diving ducks parexcellence, diving frequently and swimming submerged.

Red-heads dive constantly like grebes, but have conspicuously whiter cheeks, and are also much whiter than other small diving ducks.

Diving ducks, with distinctive narrow saw-edged bills, well adapted to chasing fish under water.
