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pay claims───加薪要求;付清欠款的要求

pay a claim───支付索赔

pays a claim───支付索赔

wage claim───提高工资的要求


lay claim to───要求;自以为

paid a claim───支付了索赔

pay slip───工资单



rejection of their pay claim was given a less than rhapsodic reception by the miners.───矿工要求提高工资遭到拒绝而甚为恼火。

These figures formed the basis of their pay claim.───这些数字是他们要求提高工资的根据。

The workers agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim.───这些工人同意将他们的资薪要求交付仲裁。

The workers have come out on strike in support of their pay claim.───工人们都出去罢工,以支持提高工资的要求。

The rejection of their pay claim was given a less than rhapsodic reception by the miners.───矿工要求提高工资遭到拒绝而甚为恼火。

If APPROVE = ACCEPT, a pay claim subprocess will be started, and a Thank you letter will be sent.───如果APPROVE=ACCEPT,则启动支付保险赔偿子过程,并发送一封感谢信。

Transport workers are on strike in Toronto over a pay claim and the strike looks set to spread to other states.───搬运工们在多伦多为提高薪水而举行罢工,这场罢工看上去还要蔓延到其他州。

The union has balloted its members in pursuit of a pay claim.───为了要求加薪,工会让其成员进行无记名投票表决。

The men agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim.───这些人同意把他们的工资要求交付仲裁。


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The attempt to bolster the pay claim with the fear of closures failed.

Another union has voted for industrial action in support of a pay claim.

As expected, management said the workers' pay claim was too high.

They signed a petition in support of the pay claim.

Nurses have threatened to come out in support of their pay claim.

The bureaucrats, widely regarded as under-worked and overpaid, did not get much public sympathy for their pay claim.

The rejection of their pay claim was given a less than rhapsodic reception by the miners.

The postal workers have come out in support of their pay claim.
