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shift gear 信息详情shift gear




shift gears───v.变速;改变方式

shift lever───变速杆

high gear───高速档

riot gear───防暴装备

shift key───换档键

shift keys───换档键



ski gear───滑雪用具


Executive machine shifts gear directly, the action of each shift gear is independent.───换档时执行机构直接换档, 各档位的换档执行动作相互之间无关联.

Simulating method of shift gear moment in automobile start acceleration process was Presented. The time losses of shift gear were counted.───给出汽车起步加速过程换档时机的模拟方法,可计算换档时间损失。

What write on paster is: " Leave please some further, learning to shift gear. "───贴纸上写的是: “ 请离远些, 正在学换档. ”

Learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving.───开车要学会在的时候换挡.

Learn to shift gear at the right moment while driving.───开车要学会在适当的时候换挡。

appropriate control position of shift gear and the fifth wheel can ensure safe and efficient control.───变档和第五轮控制位置恰当,确保安全及高效控制。

Learn to shift gear at the right moment.───要学会掌握在什麽时候换挡.

After you have done that, you shift gear.───这个做好了, 你就换挡.


It's hard to shift gear when you come home after a busy day at work.

What write on paster is: " Leave please some further, learning to shift gear. "

In addition, hydraulic torque converter may combine to automatically shift gear with the planet wheel gear organization so as to improve vehi...

Learn to shift gear at the right moment.

Engines with good torque back-up handle a wide load changes without the need to shift gear.
