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invited to do 信息详情invited to do




have to do───不得不做某事

inverted chords───倒转和弦

inverted chord───倒弦

inverted comma───n.单引号;引号

inverted mordent───n.逆波音



inverted commas───引号(等于quotationmark,turnedcomma);单引号

uninvited guest───不速之客


"Do not offer to fix or change something unless you've been invited to do it, " he said.───“如果没有接受子女的邀请,就不要提供决定或改变的意见。”他说。

National Hotel was the major stars invited to do the major branches of the National Food Festival sponsored.───被全国各大星级宾馆邀请做全国各大菜系主办的美食节。

We got invited to do the whole thing in New York, and in London, and in Los Angeles.───我们受邀前往纽约、伦敦和洛杉矶进行同样的工作。

Don't smoke even if invited to do so. Don't neglect to talk to other people beyond those you are interviewing with.───不要吸烟,即便他们请你那么做。不要忽视和面试你的人之外的人们交谈。

In a second study, subjects were invited to do a cookie taste test.───在第二项研究当中,被试者应邀参加了一次曲奇饼品尝试验。

Don ' t sit down until invited to do so by the interviewer.───人家未请,先別坐下。


I've Been invited to do a research program with my counterparts at the University of California.

Mr. Mann: Sure. A professional marketing survey agency was invited to do it.

He did exactly what he was invited to do, place goods into the receptacle provided.
