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business class 信息详情business class







business classes───商务舱;商务舱的;乘坐商务舱地

business case───商业案例

business cases───商业案例

business plans───经营计划;业务计划(businessplan的复数)

business card───名片;商务名片

business cards───商业名片

business plan───商务计划

business casuals───商务休闲装;商务便装


The aircraft a two class configuration, with 30 seats in Business Class and 255 in Class.───这飞机拥有两级座舱布局, 包括了30个商务舱坐席及255个经济舱坐席.

They flew business class.───他们乘坐的是商务舱。

Harvey: You can check in at Business Class over there.───哈维: 你们可以在那边的商务舱登机柜台办理手续.

One passenger travelling business class.───一名乘客,商务仓.

( He does allow himself the indulgence of sitting in business class on overseas flights, however. )───( 然而,在国外航班上,他也会放纵一下,选择商务舱. )

In fact, the GMAT could offer a good case of study for a business class.───事实上, GMAT能够提供很好的学习案例给贸易班.

Do you want a first class, business class or economy class ticket?───您要头等舱, 公务舱还是经济舱的座?

In fact, the GMAT could offer a good case study for a business class.───事实上, GMAT能 为工商课程提供一个很好的学习案例.

Business class, for this Sunday.───商务舱, 时间是这个星期天.

You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.───你可以付费升级到商务舱。

Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. Business class or economy?───早上好, 先生. 欢迎登机. 坐公务还是经济舱?

In fact, the GMAT could offer a good case study for business class.───事实上, GMAT考试 可以为工商课程提供很好的案例.

What about business class?───公务舱 呢 ?

Our company's purpose: business class products, a first class service. Make friends, explore the development!───我公司的宗旨: 经营一流的产品, 配备一流的服务. 广交朋友, 开拓发展!

In fact, the GMAT can could offer a good case study for a business class.───事实上, GMAT可以为商务学习提供很好的例子.

If you can afford business class , you can afford some business ass.───如果你们能坐商务舱, 就要有所收获.

You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.───你可以花钱调换到商务舱的座位。

Costs associated with RAB staff travel ( Business Class ), preparations of presentations and instructional materials.───与费用有关的RAB职员旅行 ( 商务舱 ), 发表和指导的材料准备.

First class or business class?───头等舱还是公务舱?

He usually travels business class as it is more relaxing.───基于舒适的理由,他通常都坐商业舱.

I understand that you have business class, too.───我知道你们还有一种二等舱.

Free checked baggage allowance: 20 kg for economy class, business class 30 kg.───免费托运行李额: 经济舱20公斤, 商务舱30公斤.

Concentrated in professional and business class of computer.───专业主要集中在商务类和计算机类.

And so, its business class dreamed, Italy would sell quality, not quantity.───业界又幻想, 意大利的产品应该以质, 而不是以量取胜.

I always fly business class.───我总是乘坐商务舱旅行。

He is downgraded from first class to business class.───他从头等舱被降到了公务舱.

They flew business class.───他们乘坐商务舱旅行。

The Australian team will be seated in business class.───澳大利亚队将乘坐商务舱。

In fact, the GMAT could offer case study for a business class.───实际上, GMAT可以提供更好的在上商学上的学习.


We can upgrade you to business class.

They flew business class.

I got bumped up to business class.

I always fly business class.

The core of the business class makes the important decisions about planning for the future.

As a result the business class as a whole exhibits a high degree of integration and social cohesion ....

He always travels business class.

Do you usually travel business class?

The Australian team will be seated in business class.
