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keep the 信息详情keep the




keep time───使(脚)合拍子

keep to───坚持;遵守;信守;固守(习惯等)

keep pace───并驾齐驱;齐步并进

keep step───(与…)齐步前进;(与…)步调一致;跟上

keep kosher───保持洁食

keep stroke───有节奏地划桨

keen eye───敏锐的目光(歌名,KeenEye)

keep at───坚持,坚持做下去;纠缠

keep fit───保持(身体)健康


I'll keep the letter as a precaution.───我要保存这封信,以防万一。

's important to keep the punters happy.───重要的是让顾客满意。

We want to keep the real issues in focus.───我们要让真正的问题受到关注。

Besides , Eveline had promised to her mother that she would keep the home together as long as she could before her mother died .───再说,在母亲去世前伊芙林也答应她,要尽一切可能不让这个家散掉。

Would you mind if we waited with you? You know, just to keep the womanizers from bothering you.───你介意我和你一起等吗?呃……以免有登徒浪子来打扰你。

At the start of his meeting with Mr. Abbas, Mitchell said the Obama administration will persist with its efforts to keep the talks on track.───与阿巴斯会面开始,米奇而表示,奥巴马政府将会坚持保持对话的努力。

While lying on the back in this drill, keep the surface of the water level with your chest, stomach, hips and thighs at all times.───本训练始终当以仰泳方式躺平时,让您的胸、腹部、臀部和大腿在水面上。

On deck, mother shouts orders and steers, while father poles to keep the boat off the bank.───甲板上,母亲呼喊着号子并掌着舵,与此同时父亲撑篙防止船靠岸。

To keep the business logic code clear and easy to maintain, do not complicate it with too much technical code.───为了保持业务逻辑清晰并易于维护,不要用太多的技术性代码将其复杂化。


I keep the photographs in an album.

He sets the fox to keep the geese.

I want you to keep the secret.

He was bound over to keep the peace.

Keep the receipt as proof of purchase.

You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart.

I try to keep the garden tidy .

Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.

Little boats must keep the shores. 
